Tim Young (*1972) grew up in Minden,
where he made his first experiences with hand-cut stencils and spray paint in the late 1980s.
In 2002 he rediscovered these tools for himself and has been working under the artist name theYOUNG in Bielefeld ever since.
Initially the self-taught artist created his work based on photos/photomontages using intricate multi-layer stencils and ultimately only shades of gray spray paint.
The main feature of his work from 2007 to 2015 is the abandonment of colors.
Since deciding to reinvent himself in 2016, theYOUNG has been developing and working with techniques, which on the one hand are no longer photo-based, on the other hand, especially in combination with neon colors, create unique transparency effects.
The result is a mix of geometric play of colors and hologram-like representations of the respective subjects.